If you are looking for a good online store with state of the
art clothing at competitive prices.
These days online clothing store is a hot avenue for entrepreneurs.
This popularity of clothing store as a business prospect has
spawned a slew of online clothing portals with an impressive array
of clothing brands. Many of these sites have their own brands and
those are the ones which you can get at extremely affordable price.
Recently. I decided that I will be launching my own Line.
As a fashion blogger, and Stylist people look up to me to see and
know how I style my looks. I believe in doing what I know,
If I can style it, I can produce it!!!!
This site will be changing soon, and I am so looking forward to that.
My brand will be tailored to fit. more of Elegant evening and
Couture style.
But If you're looking for designer clothing at a better rate the best places are online consignment sites, and stores. They sell top of line designer clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories at reasonable prices. They aren't the lowest prices but nevertheless still good prices for quality clothing, Luxury Handbags, shoes and Accessories , there are a few ones in the city where I live, and I do visit there once in a while, for women who a particular about wearing top of the line brands, I do recommend this. Also there are online stores that carry clothes directly off the run way, but you need to source this out. Women should take caution when they dress their body type. Remember that your looks can take you to places.
Thank you for your time
5:28 AM
Hello my favourite people. Welcome to spring! What does spring say to you? To me Robert HS says about spring - Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait.......Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come!
Spring officially starts March 20th - the earliest in our lifetime yet - to me it already came a week ago and that was because my kids have been home this entire week for ...... yes you got it....." spring break".
We've all heard this joke about Toronto - and most cities in Canada I imagine, having two seasons: Winter and Construction. That is so true! Winter has come and gone and now we have construction. So I stopped to help some gentlemen at their construction site but they told me I looked too good to be on site and that I should rather take some pictures with their equipment…so I obliged them hence the construction equipment in the background! These men (and women) do such good work keeping out city beautiful. Thank you to them!
My week has been very busy as usual and as it gets closer to May 6th, things are really heating up around here. But you know what makes the entire project easier to handle? I have an awesome project team! I recently "bagged" another great Toronto fashion icon - Antonio Chavez of the Transition soles fame, which is a single pair of shoes/heels that have exchangeable straps allowing the user to customize the appearance of their shoes according to the occasion or style of outfit. Please go check him out on FACEBOOK.
Moving on to my favourite corner which is fashion and style.
My Style Conner:
We all know it is spring, the flowers and trees are rejuvenating from the harsh winter months and getting back to life. So I decided to "spring forward" my look. This beautiful Nygard long sleeve shirt really felt the most appropriate outfit to make this debut entrance into spring because of the floral detail and guess what? Did you see my neck bow? It is just a hair clip! Hahaha! I just love playing with style, and accessories and what have you! I guess this is what makes me so different. I am very creative with fashion and style. Some piece that goes on my head today may be tomorrow's fashion to go around my neckline. That's how I roll people and that's the "KV Style".
The crop pant is a rather simple effortless fashion statement on its own. What's trending now is not to over accessorize your clothes or hair, and moving the emphasis towards your purse. This sends a different and unique message with all those accessories. Have a look at my purse ….and the matching black pumps.
Folks, I am so happy to announce that I will be finally launching my own clothing line….very soon! I have been working on my line for a while and it will be awesomeness when we launch I can assure you. You will be able to "dress the KV look”. Hmmh, look no more for how to mix and match your Old and New cos I am here for you. Just pick up that phone and we can have a good time talking fashion and style figuring out what will work best for you.
Thank you for hanging out with me and much love…KV.
Shop The Look:....
Coat: Regal Faux Fur
Shirt: (Old) but try Nygard
Heels: Old but try Charles David
Bag: Zara
Pants: Eileen Fisher
8:03 AM
Ooh la la! Hello and welcome to the blog. This is our time KV Nation! Well, I like the sound of that. KV Nation. Mmmh! Let's turn this KV thing into real nation with a culture of beautiful hardworking, fun loving people from all over the world.
The week has been awesome weather wise. I'm seeing some sun light finally but there is still a bit of snow from a few days back. But it's looking good. I can’t wait for warmer weather to roll in. Here Comes The Sun…...doo da doo doo…..I say it’s alright……. by The Beatles. You know that song?
I am sure you are all having fun and getting ready to kick start the new fashion season. I have been working on my Awareness Fashion Show project as you know and Toronto is getting ready for the Toronto fashion show and of course you know that KV will be there because I just love what I do. My friend ‘Dez always tells me to spend time doing what I know best to do and to keep making it better. She is so right!
My Style Conner:
As my mom would say, it never rains, it pours. That's why it is 'pouring' orange fashion with class today in My Style Conner.
You can't go wrong with black any time of the year. You know that already right? This black jump suit with the front zipper is just the perfect sight for sore eyes don't you think? I decided to create a basic color theme so I paired it with this cool orangeade of an orange 'over size' spring jacket I pick up from one of my travels. Orange is luscious, bold and daring. Not for the faint hearted because an orange color scheme could go downhill fast. So just 'kiss' (Keep It Simple Stupid).
Since it was a decidedly orange and black affair I figured these black knee high classic made boots - a present from a friend a while back - had a role to play and they fell in with the entire picture. The only thing left out was my old orange envelope clutch so I picked it up too!
The fur throw is a gift as well and takes pride of place around my neckline.
People always ask why I get so many gifts. Hahaha! My answer? Givers never lack. Lolz.
Don’t forget to make it a date on May 6th. Get your tickets today (here) for An Awareness Fashion Show. Be a part of KV Nation and see you there.
Incase you don't know. Maple leave is Canada symbol. I am a proud one.
Thank you for your time.
Shop the Look:
Jump Suit (here)
Orange Spring jacket: (here)
Knee high boots: old gift but try (here)
Envelope purse : old but try (here)
fur scarf: gift but try (here)
7:56 AM
Castle Moore Brampton fashion goddess
This Tadashi Shoji ( Kariya dress ) couldn't look better on any one else , she matched it with Christian Louboutin shoes and her own very brand of dropped cubic diamond Changeable stone ear ring
Total cost of $4, 000 + CND

Bisi just Celebrated her 39th last month.
Everything about her is about statement, helloooo , .
Everything about her is about statement, helloooo , .
The cake with the matching outfit. it can only get better

The fuschia dress is very elegant and flatters her personality, she likes to bring her sense of fashion to the core, take it or leave it, her style is to die for

hahah, are you with me, his and hers goes over $ 10,000+ CND

Bisi Kazim does not blink and eye to do what makes her happy, Toronto and Nigeria is her base. Her better half is like her twin, the duo is always spotted together.
and The Kazeems knows how to live a luxury life style. the are both real estate gurus in Nigeria check them (here) you can tell from this pictures.
I have know Bisi for over fifteen years and every day she looks even better, because of her settled life style, but what you don't know about Bisi is that she is a very happy person and yet very down to earth,, and she loves to dance , Have you checked out her Instagram page??? check out her videos her Videos, it will just Wahoo you.

Bisi is an Entrepreneur with her own Jewelry line of Stimulated Diamond she has been building her business since last year, and she is so determined to bring her business to the lime light.
Follow her on Instagram (here)
she is a fashion Icon and she takes time to pick what accentuate her body image .
hello , Hollywood is here . search no more. we have all it takes in Toronto.
If you have a business you will like to promote, do not hesitate to let me know. the blog is changing
Thank you for your time.
7:46 AM
Hello and welcome back, how is every one doing? super happy that winter is almost over. well if you have been following on my facebook, you know that my other name is busy Bee, very endless circle. my calender is over flowing with events, but guess what I am a super believer in Net working, to get to where I want be.
Alright, this week we are talking makeup trends, Seen in this post is the owner and CEO of Wright Artistry, a make up artist , she is also a friend, and one of the Sponsors in an up coming fashion show (here)
So we finished a Vlog , (coming out this week) and just decided to shoot this pictures, it was kind of unplanned, but you know, with KV we need to keep up that momentum .
I don't really wear my make up heavy, I personally believe in keeping it simple, Robin decided to do this subtle look, yet very elegant and glamorous. she used Hi -def Foundation 02, Concealer trio naked trio eye shadow, Mascara intense,
This is so amazing, we are both wearing similar pants , love how hers has a large pocket with zipper pronounced, and mine has some double white rim . remember that black makes you look leaner, . you can never go wrong with black.
On March 17th wright Artistry will be walking the run way and she will show case her line while KV will be the Ambassador for Wright Artistry, you can purchase your tickets (here) come and mingle with us, we are waiting for you
Wright Artistry is also offering an Affiliate link, All the products she used can be purchased on website (here) or just scroll down to footer of this blog to find the website.
Thank you for Stopping by,
have am amazing weekend.
9:37 PM
She is Glamorous, Pretty, with a lot of class, her name is Uchenna Ajibade.
Castlemoore Toronto continues to bring it to the edge.
Uche is wearing Royal blues Dress by :THIEA
Shoes: Charlotte Olympia
Uche is wearing Royal blues Dress by :THIEA
Shoes: Charlotte Olympia

It was the birthday party that continues to make weaves after two months.
UcheNna and Ayoola Ajibade (Mr and Mrs), that priceless moment.
Uche is Classy and very high quality lady. both the blue( THEIA) and green dress ( Badgley Mischka) were beautiful embellishments for her birthday party, showcasing her beautiful hour glass figure, her style was very simple and elegant without too much accessories, the chandelier earring was all she needed, her makeup was very flawless and her hair all pulled back and tucked in. showcasing her long neck was a show down.
Hello!!!!!!, did you notice that the sequence details at the waist of her green dress gave her a beautiful definition to her waist. making her waistline trimmer and longer . yes when I say dress your body type, this is exactly what I am talking about. keep it simply and classy. Uche know how to bring it to the edge, she needed no necklace because the earing has already made that statement.
Mr Ajibade kept the momentum going all night.
beautiful pedicure, stood out in that YSL open toes sandals.
The GQ men of Toronto and their wives, from left is the celebrant Uche and her Husband Ayoola Ajibade, The Anyaso Brothers and their beautiful Wives, Paul and Eunice, Echere and Margaret
It was a dazzling night, more GQ and their super elegant wives
from left, Vivian and Roland. Drick and Bibi
Enchanting Moments. Mr and Mrs Oluoha, Mr and Mrs Olotu
Eunice, Franca, Nancy, kartia and Ijeoma
second from left is Victoria, Nancy, Augusta, and Kartia
from left : Maureen, Nancy, Vivian, Uche
Uche and CEO Worship Media himself. do not forget to book him for all your professional pictures. contact (here)
Cross section of guests. foods, drink and music were beautifully orchestrated .
The celebrity birthday party of Uche Ajibade (Host)
she is Authentic, and stays feminine to core. she has always dressed modesty, and known for wearing nicely tailored dresses and dresses appropriate for every occasion. Uches style and mannerism is certainly what one can choose to model and emulate. she is the Epitome of class, style and taste.
Hello, It was an Oscar night in Toronto.
Thank you for stopping by.
dont forget to share this if you like it.
7:49 AM